
Our plan involves starting by building 2 different urban agriculture setups on 2 different properties with unique microbiomes. One is a dense urban backyard in centretown, and the other is a suburban property with a large backyard and a lot of sun. The goal with starting with these two very different challenges is to get good data on how the farmbot system performs under different conditions. We will be installing weather stations as well, in order to get comprehensive data on the property’s respective microclimates.


About Us. We are a small scale community based initiative with the goal of building resilience via automation. We believe that there is a large community of people who would love to contribute to building a greener and more sustainable Ottawa, if only they had the time and resources. That’s why we are coming together to address this problem with automation. By providing people with low cost, space efficient, low labour, and sustainable urban agriculture solutions we hope to engage more people in the task of building local food resilience.